Four years after the launch of Bushy's Gibraltar Barbary Beer in the colony, the brew has found a sizable following amongst real ale drinkers on the Rock. The bottled beer - a partnership between the Manx brewers and the Gibraltarian Importers, Lewis Stagnetto, is proving very popular with locals and visitors alike.
In 2004, a special limited edition beer was available on the Rock to mark the 300th anniversary of the British Colony which was celebrated throughout the year. The bottles, tagged with a special neck label were also supplied for the Gib celebration of the 2ooth anniversary of Battle of Trafalgar in London in 2005.

More details here

TT fortnight burnt its way into the memory banks of locals and visitors alike in 2006. Firstly, to everyone's delight, the event was run in the best weather conditions for 40 years. Instead of fog or rain delaying races - melting tar was the culprit!
Race and lap records were decicated (see link on home page for details) and at the beer tent, cooler motors were stretched to the limit, keeping the slight chill that Bushy's drinkers like. (And of course freezing out the taste for girlie lager drinkers)
So next year we have the TT centenary. What can

we expect? With Brandish corner being remodelled, lap speeds should edge nearer to the incredible 130mph. Hotel space is at a premium, but there could be an addition to the island's visitor accommodation stock. There are vague suggestions about a parade lap by Valentino Rossi - certainly not confirmed anywhere, but should he appear, the question is what will Honda do? Oh, we can't wait.
We can't wait either for Bushy's 21st. We'll keep you informed on further developments.

The Manx culture is as diverse as any other nation. We have the world's oldest parliament in Tynwald. We have our own national flag - because we are not part of the UK and thats what Bushy's new Triskelion Bitter clip features. The beer, a hoppy refreshing ale, has a really complex taste, but not being beer bores here, suffice to say it's delicious. Manxies at home won't get the chance to taste the other new brew - Faerie Bridge - as it is an export only beer. Featuring the rascally Manx Faeries, drinkers can mock at their peril; say hello at the Faerie Bridge or woe betide you...
(What are you laughing at? some people believe in Tony Blair and George Bush - we don't laugh!at them...)

Say hello to the Faeries or leg it down to the pub for a Triskelion

The Castletown Festival is 50 years old this year. Sadly, most of the island's towns have lost their community festivals, but of those that remain, Castletown is has one of the best. August 5th is the date.
Amongst the attractions are thecrowning of Castletown Queen, Fashion Contests, Bouncy Castles, fun stalls and a Fancy dress parade.Then there is Grand Confetti Canival and dance in the square. All topped off with a Firework Display. To celebrate the golden anniversary, The Festival have commissioned aBushy's special bottled beer (left) Stocks are limited - so get one or two so you can sell them on e-bay on the 100th anniversary.

Another fine celebration is the reinstatement of the Snaefell waterwheel in Laxey.
The Laxey Mines Research Group has installed the 50ft diameter wheel downstream from the famous Lady Isabella wheel. The smaller wheel, built in 1865 will be officially named at the opening ceremony. (see press for details)
And in the old days how would miners celebrate? With a pint or two of course! And who did the Mines group look to to brew the best? No prizes for guessing. (Pump clip, pic right)